Milestones Trust

Growing as an organisation

Memberships, reports and accreditations


Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG)

Milestones is a member of VODG, a community of more than 135 values-based organisations that play a vital role in supporting disabled people to live full and independent lives.

Through membership of VODG, Milestones is part of a collective that is working to build relationships with government and other key agencies to positively influence the development of social care policy.

Our membership also means we have access to best-practice guidance and are fully up to date on matters that might affect delivery of services to the people we support.

Find out more about VODG.


Voscur is the support and development agency for Bristol’s voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, which aims to improve the quality of life for the people of Bristol.

As members of Voscur, Milestones is part of a network of hundreds of voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in Bristol and the Southwest, meaning we have access to opportunities for collaborating, coordinating services and sharing skills. This helps us in our work to build stronger ties with communities, building equity and resilience, and provides access to like-minded organisations that share similar ambitions.

Find out more about Voscur.

Care and Support West

Milestones is a member of Care and Support West, a representative body for companies, charities, organisations, and individuals involved in social care, support, and the health sectors in the West of England.

Care and Support West works to give care providers a voice in the strategic direction of the future of health and social care services, working to ensure that they are treated and funded fairly, through regular meetings with commissioners, Care England, the regional Head of CQC, and via Care Provider Forums.

Throughout all of its work, Care and Support West aims to maintain quality of service provision in the interest of people who use social care services.

Find out more about Care and Support West.

National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services

Milestones holds corporate membership with the National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services (NASHiCS), which strives to promote excellence of safety and health in care services.

Milestones is committed to high professional standards and as a NASHiCS member, our health and safety team has access to guidance and information that mean we can ensure that we follow best-practice in our own policies and procedures.

Find out more about NASHiCS.

The Fundraising Regulator

As an organisation registered with the Fundraising Regulator, Milestones Trust demonstrates its commitment to both the code and to excellent fundraising practice.

The Fundraising Regulator is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their work ensures public protection, accountability and excellence in fundraising. Working in partnership with other regulators and representative bodies, they aim to build public trust and confidence and ensure consistently high fundraising standards across the UK.

The Fundraising Regulator sets, maintains and promotes standards for fundraising in the Code of Fundraising Practice in consultation with the public, fundraising stakeholders and governments across the UK. They also investigate complaints about fundraising, maintain a public Fundraising Directory, facilitate the Fundraising Preference Service and continually review the fundraising landscape.

Find out more about the Fundraising Regulator.


Carbon Footprint

We recognise how important it is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in order to minimise our overall environmental impact, and our Carbon Reduction Plan outlines how we will do so. We are committed to meet and, where possible, exceed our legal and regulatory requirements in this area.

Carbon Reduction Plan – Milestones Trust

In 2021 we took our first steps towards reduction of our carbon footprint through completion of a Carbon Inventory and Footprint report, undertaken by Auditel.

Measuring our carbon footprint helped give us access to the data needed to formulate a carbon reduction strategy. The climate emergency is everyone’s responsibility and we’re committed to doing our part to hit net zero.

Read our 2021 Carbon Inventory and Footprint report.

Gender Pay Gap report

In 2017, the government introduced legislation that made it statutory for organisations with 250 or more employees to report annually on their gender pay gap.

At Milestones, we believe in transparency around matters that affect equality, so we are very pleased to provide our Gender Pay Gap Report for 2022.


Disability Confident Committed

As a Disability Confident Committed employer, Milestones follows the five key commitments:

  • We have a recruitment process that is inclusive and accessible
  • We communicate and promote vacancies via a range of channels that highlight our inclusive approach
  • We offer interviews to disabled people
  • We anticipate and provide reasonable adjustments as required
  • We support existing employees who acquire a disability or long term health condition, enabling them to stay in work.

We know that people with disabilities bring value and talent to our organisation and are keen to ensure that no-one misses out on an opportunity for a rewarding career with Milestones due to a disability.

Find out more about the government’s Disability Confident scheme.