Volunteers’ Week 2020
Nick's story
You get something from it and you get to know that what you’re doing is helping someone.

Nick had only been volunteering as a sports buddy at Lambrook Road for a few weeks, when coronavirus stopped all non-essential visits to homes, including visits from volunteers. However, he continued to support the service by delivering their weekly shopping.
Although he is now moving away from Bristol, he continues to volunteer as a Telephone Befriender for the person he was supporting before the crisis broke out.
As it’s Volunteers’ Week 2020, we spoke to Nick about his experiences of volunteering with us.
Why did you decide to volunteer for Milestones Trust?
They had a role that I thought I could really help with, the sports role. It’s nice to get out there and help people, especially when it’s something you love too. I knew enough about sports to do that role so I thought it was the right one for me.
What is the best thing about volunteering for the Trust?
It’s just rewarding. You get something from it and you get to know that what you’re doing is helping someone, helping his health and his quality of life.
What do you like to do in your spare time when you’re not volunteering?
Socialise, but we’re not allowed to do that at the moment! I also like to read and I’m a fan of a beer or two.
Thank you so much Nick, for all your support to Lambrook Road and the residents there over the past few months.