Learning to care
Tom's story
This job has helped me to grow as a person. I’ve found real enjoyment in helping people.

I work at Priory Court, which is a supported living service for people with learning disabilities. There are 12 different flats here and the staff team offer support to the people who live in them.
When people we support come to see me in the staff office, they sometimes want practical support with things like benefit claims or paying bills. But just as often they’re seeking emotional support. They might want advice about a squabble with a neighbour or to chat about how their day has gone.
When I first started working at the Trust four years ago, I was working two other part time jobs – as a gardener and as a Maths tutor. I had just finished university and I thought that juggling these three jobs would make a nice change from studying.
I’ve since dropped the other two jobs. I wasn’t sure how things would go when I began working at the Trust, but I really love it here. I’ve found real enjoyment in helping people and I’ve learned so much about listening non-judgementally and supporting different people’s needs.

I used to think of work as something that I just had to do. Now I really enjoy it and I’m motivated to get the job done because I want to help people.
On one occasion, I was with someone at Priory Court while they had a psychotic episode. It was a really difficult experience but to help them with their recovery was amazing and led to a lot of personal growth.
It also helped me to decide on a new direction in my career. Afterwards, I took a mental health first aid training course and soon I’ll be starting a part time psychology degree, which I’ll complete whilst working for the Trust.
As well as working at Priory Court, I give one to one support to a young adult who has autism. At the moment, he’s interested in increasing the number of steps he takes each day. Last week we took a bus to Kelston and walked through some hills, pointing out different animals along the way. I really love that this is my job and that I can help another person to develop themselves.
When my friends are thinking about changing their jobs, I always recommend working for the Trust to them. This job has helped me to grow as a person. I have adapted what I have learnt whilst caring for people with needs to caring for people in all walks of life. Working here has even improved my personal relationships outside of work, as I have learnt how to listen and to help others resolve problems in their lives.
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