Masefield Avenue

Masefield Avenue is a purpose-built bungalow designed to provide nursing care for up to six young adults with significant learning disability and complex health needs. All of the rooms are built to the latest National Care Standards, including integrated hoist facilities and full profile beds, and the home also includes a sensory room to provide relaxation and other sensory benefits. The building is spacious and comfortable and has been designed to promote a homely experience for the young adults who live there.
The home has two dedicated vehicles, both of which have been specially adapted to carry wheelchairs. Staff resource is high to enable the needs of people living at Masefield to be met, and include a team of nurses and support workers with support from domestic and administration staff.
Address | 12A Masefield Avenue, Swindon, SN2 7HT |
Contact | Referrals Co-ordinator, 0117 970 9300, |
Places | 6 |