Milestones Trust

News at Milestones Trust


Expressions art group to feature at exhibition

Our Expressions art group are working with Bristol-based sculptor and model maker Tom Astley on artwork that will feature at an exhibition in the summer of 2025.

The artwork is being created during a series of five workshops taking place at the Expressions studio, which have been funded by The Arts Society Bristol. Using flowers and leaves collected from the local area and Bristol Botanic Garden, the group is working with Tom to create faces and figures out of these natural forms.

The resulting pieces will be shown at an exhibition Tom is working on with Bristol Botanic Garden. It will feature a series of sculptures exploring humanity’s relationship with the natural world, which will form a trail around the garden, as well as a series of workshops where people can make artwork using flowers and plants.

Tom Astley’s work has been displayed at numerous exhibitions in Bristol, at venues including the RWA and the Vestibules. He is fascinated by psychology, dreams and folktales, themes that he brings to his personal work and workshops.

Find out more about Expressions
Visit Tom Astley’s website